A happiness retreat

Horses, photography, yoga, seaside, Greek ancient culture, beauty abound all around … do you think you’ll find your happiness there?

Well, we know our happiness is always in us, but sometimes it gets a bit hidden under the dust of everyday chores, stress and worries … horses, photography, yoga, relaxation and the crystal clear water of the Aegean Sea will do their magic!

Join us on 14th September near Athens, for a happiness retreat with the wonderful horses of Hippolysis.

Hippolysis is a center that rescues horses, offers them love and a good quality of life and in return the horses help humans through sessions of learning, therapy and personal growth.

Check out all the details on our website.


Give yourself a gift

I just came back from a week in Southern Spain, a peaceful heart-opening experience with the Wisdom of Horses. Spending quiet time with the horses in this wonderful nature was a gift to myself that I can only warmly recommend to anyone who wants to get away from the noises of everyday life.

Wisdom of Horses is offering a Christmas retreat from 21 to 27 December 2017.

The Medicine of the Horse – Awakening your inner strength from the heart

An opportunity to let go what is no longer serving you in your life and to start the new year with fresh energy. A week of celebration, embracing the dark with music, singing, poetry, meditation, sitting by the fireplace, good food and good company.

For more info and booking go to http://www.wisdomofhorses.info



Our Greek Island Retreats 2015


This year we are exploring a new paradise: the Cyclades, crown jewels of the Greek islands!

Two luxury villa retreats, on the divine island of Koufonisi, right on one of the most magnificent beaches!

Yoga,fun, sun, crystal clear sea, luxury villa accommodation, delicious vegetarian meals … there will also be Thai massage available in house!

Dates: 30th May – 7th June and 21st June – 29th June

Please find all info on our website.


A healing retreat in heaven

Detox retreat v3


If you would like to

  • Deal better with personal life stress and problems
  • Heal emotions and traumas of past life lived so far
  • Achieve better mental and physical health
  • Increase physical energy
  • Reduce stress by more than 70% on practice of meditation
  • Enhance the overall happiness quotient in your life
  • Be able to create or manifest beautiful and happy things
  • Become physically healthier
  • Heal neck and back pains
  • Learn how to heal others
  • Learn massage techniques to relax and heal others as well as yourself

then this retreat is one not to miss.

All the way from India, our workshop leader Vihi Chharyia will show you an ancient form of meditation taught by Buddha which helps you release stress, pain, fears and blockages under close guidance and care of the teacher.

Vidhi will also introduce you to the shamanic art of drawing and absorbing energy from the Sun in order to protect and heal yourself as well as pass this healing to others, and teach you an ancient form of healing massage, which heals the healer as well as receiver at the level of mind body and soul.

For info and bookings please go to http://www.divineyogaretreats.com/#!holistic-healing-retreat/c59h.

Our new Divine Retreat in Greece

Dear friends,

I have just come back from our new Divine Retreats destination on the beautiful island of Lefkada in Greece.

It was like being in heaven!

It’s at Urania Luxury Villas, but I call it Urania Yoga Heaven! Urania means ‘sky’ in Greek, and Urania was also one of the 7 muses, the goddesses of the inspiration of literaturescience and the arts.

Lefkada villas Bliss!

Located high over the sea, with nothing but the ocean and lush green around, and only the sound of the birds … the villas are near an ancient Apollo temple site, so the energy is one of deep healing and tranquillity – absolute bliss!


Work on the new yoga platform  has started today, so it will be ready for our September retreat.

We will be back there from 7th to 14th September with Abby Hoffmann Yoga, for a heavenly Vinyasa Flow and Yin Yoga retreat.

2 hours dynamic yoga in the morning and 2 hours gentle Yin and meditation in the evening, with the rest of the day to relax by the pool, explore the nearby sacred sites and magnificent beaches, swim, dream, sing … truly rejuvenate mind, body and soul.

For more info about the retreat please go to our website – which is brand new by the way, launched today!

An exclusive pre-launch offer, only for a very few lucky people, on now!

Bliss awaiting!

We are always looking for new divine locations to share with you and at the end of the month we are off to test our new luxury villa retreat in Greece – top secret, but too delicious to keep all to ourselves.

If you are ready for a getaway now and love to be spontaneous, have some fun, play and be surprised, and you like the view on top (image), you are invited to join us on this very exclusive secret escape.

We will be using this week to get to know our new venue and surroundings, play with yoga, dance, photography and cooking, swim, sun bathe and have lots of fun.

This is a one off opportunity to spend a week in a luxury villa retreat, for a unique pre-launch price.

We will be using the photography created for promoting our future retreats.
As our guest you will also be rewarded with your own professional photoshoot in a dream location presented in a stylish coffee table book.

If you are excited about this please get in touch now – info@divineretreats.co.uk

Our flights are booked, we are off in less than two weeks!


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Jacinta O’Hara!

Her first reaction was  “woooooow hoooooo – I’m dancing – woooo hoooo Super fantastic and great xxxx”

“Wow, Fantastic! Yoga and Horse-riding – I love it – and in magnificent Greece! Yes – I feel so blessed!!  Loving the abundance, joy and fun life is bringing to me ”

“I am so delighted to be able to share this prize – gift with my gorgeous friend Gillian Gavin – she is an amazing Biodanza teacher – and facilitates Divine Feminine workshops – We are going to have a really great fun time together . Love Love Love”

“The programme for your retreat looks great – lots of fun – and I am so looking forward to being re-aquainted with horses and horse riding!”

Our happy competition winner

If you entered the competition but you didn’t get lucky this time, we still have a gift for you on our next retreat:

Bring your friend for free!

A week of horse riding, yoga and photography in paradise!

Dates: 28th April to 4th May, Price: £795 (Two for the price of one! )


Daily horse riding, hacks or lessons in the ring
Breakfast and lunch or dinner (depending on the day’s programme)
Morning yoga practice
Photography sessions
Pick up from your arrival port in Evia

Does not include:

flights and airport transfer, optional excursions, taverna nights out

To find out more please go to our website.

Be quick, we are going soon, and there are only a few places available!

Healing through Yoga

Depositphotos_1581287_S Kahil Kibran

Healing Through Yoga
Be it a mindful or physical approach, yoga is highly beneficial for any persons in convalescence, no matter how big or small a problem appears. Yoga offers an abundance of tools for challenging situations, with profound healing effects from restorative and recuperative, to uplifting qualities for optimum health and living. Yoga can be modified to support all lifestyles, surroundings and seasons, making recovery accessible for almost everyone.
With stress a common ailment of modern living, let’s start here: When under too much pressure, the mental field shuts down preceding the ‘will’ to continue. Hence the expressions under stress, a strain putting our innate wisdom out of reach. In this stage we lose sight of what is actually happening in a body and personality of sensations, emotions and feelings. Symptoms already onset by the immune system under attack due to stress, perpetuate physical, emotional and psychological problems. Often, the root cause of stress begins with surface personality and identifying with external layers we shape; push ourselves into, to fit in with society. This constant absorption of external influence, mask our core truths. Yoga however, brings us back.
Conscious or not, a process of emotional and mental responsive data accumulates to that which we speak, eat, smell, taste, touch, feel and think. Our senses, governed by the nervous system and chemical make-up designed within the formations of the endocrine system, define our personal characteristics. It is both these functions that ‘manage’ sensory overloads. That in mind you can understand how our personalities and different roles of characteristics create false impression of which our true nature is seemingly contained in. Not to mention the intricate linear matrix born out of conditionings, patterned from all lifetimes on a soul level. When stress ‘put to one side,’ the inevitable soon manifests as pain in the physical body, in one form or another. In this time the physical body may demand precedence in the initial stages of healing through yoga before we can go beyond. The breakthrough is found within change, recognising the pain body is the trigger of what needs releasing. This change requires courage and effort, soon to reap through the very act of yoga itself.
A gentle approach in Yoga should not be dismissed because of its simple appearance, as it brings a profound effect on body and mind. Its preventative and curative qualities put pressures far from reach because it changes how we react to the world inside, instead of trying to change the world outside.
How healing through Yoga works?
Each posture applies direct pressure on the nerves and glands, therefore tunes and tones the nerves and balances hormones. This in turn has a cleansing effect since the lymphatic system is also simulated, increasing functionality of the organs. Yoga releases and removes blockages, boosting a free flow of energy to body and mind. Having a direct influence on the nervous system not only becomes highly effective for the treatment of stress, tension and nervousness, in addition, provides nurture and repair to damaged tissue and joints. A gentle and harmonious approach combined with subtle exercise, avoids the risk of further damage to connective tissue, whilst actively stimulating life-giving blood flow, through breathing into areas of neglect and injury.
The Bihar school of Yoga found that muscles relax by directing attention along with integrating breath to a specific area, send relaxed impulses back to the brain thus relaxing the mind. Synchronizing movements with the awareness of breath activates the attentive mind, allowing us to not otherwise ponder on tensions and stress. Here, neutrality arises. There is a subtle shift of brain waves that deepen our capacity to relax back to our natural state; a crucial stage for healing to take place. One must be fully absorbed in the practice and be relaxed in order to reach cellular level, freeing physical knots and tensions in body and mind. Once beyond the physicality of yoga, a consistent practice allows spontaneity to arise, thus practise integrates through daily life. A more peaceful state of ‘being’ is experienced.
When you re-establish the self, moving away from the ‘I’ the individual personality, you start living inner peacefully, nurturing self again. This reflects externally, no longer redundant from healing resources that lay within, attracting healthier living.
Shifting mood through asana:
The appearance of moods can lead us to believe we are not in the mood to do yoga. It is important to consider our moods/emotions are not our ultimate truth, and such moods can be shifted. Have you noticed the luminosity at the end of a yoga practice where you feel completely removed from a heavy feeling or thought, prior to the practice? This is the alchemical effects of yoga. Though seemingly easier to stay bored or stuck in a mood, it is far from satisfying, especially for Soul. Letting initial impulse to do… pass… creates bigger challenge for mind to want to do,  best get out of mind and in body to change your mind, this activates the force eded to stimulate the energetic system, thus shifting mood. Don’t listen to the mind …just do the doing! A simple act of not reacting to the minds thoughts can change perspective and lift the mind.
Useful advice in practicing Yoga:
The intention of sequenced postures is each one prepares the body and mind to support the next. As time goes on each practice lends itself to the other. All parallel, complement and enhance the other. When practicing yoga try not to worry about creating a perfect picture with your posture; by forcing into a ‘perfect’ shape. This disconnects your flow. You can’t breath properly, your muscles cannot breath properly and you create further tension, (your nerves shrink back into state of feeling under pressure). Rather merge mind with body and breath, into a more expansive field. When soul’s colours morph into life, the real picture reveals; the luminous self.
During practice you may experience opposing forces of constant push and pull, allow gravity to pronounce its very nature and work with it rather than against, try not to create a fight. Watch how your body responds in awe, observing your mental and emotional capacity in relation to current life circumstance and attitudes. Embrace the unknown. Let your physical body grow and expand in its own time –  a jovial approach will certainly give a richer and freer experience. Allow mind observe for acceptance to arise thus a meditative practice transpires, watching and not reacting to what is happening. Watching and accepting all that arises, knowing this too changes.
Your yoga practice is an ongoing process, never give up. Despite all life’s glories and woes, persevere, the rewards are abundant and never ever give up.
Teaching for over 10 years, Niamh experiences Yoga as a Gift to Self since she has observed growth and change available to ALL, no matter how big or small a problem appears.
Specialisms -Hridaya Hatha Yoga, Vinyasa flow, Stress and Pain Management , Yoga for Healing (including fears, tendencies and emotions), Hridaya Meditation, Pranayama / Breathwork ,Yoga Nidra (deep relaxation).

by Niamh Kavanagh, Hridaya Yoga,


… cause the happy you is the real you